Hello! I’m Dave and this is my wife, Katie, our son and infant daughter not long after she was born.

Our boy is 5 as I write this and our daughter is now 20 months old.
So we are parents…. nothing unusual there. If there’s anything unusual about is it’s that (I think) we’re pretty normal people!
Working class, middle of the road views, sensible, no major health, mental or physical issues to speak of.
Regular jobs. Regular house. Regular kids….. Let’s hope they stay that way (knocks on wood).

Why this website?
When our daughter was on the way I felt I needed to change my life in order to be able to spend more time with my family.
It’s the one place I want to be all the time nowadays. With the exception of the odd stint of work to help me feel useful and sane!
Learning the skills needed to turn a website into a business seemed like the perfect fit. So I learned what I could and just started. The goal is to get this venture to support the family so we can enjoy being exactly that. Less time commuting, more time working from an office in the garden and being around.
Every parenting journey is different, it can be tough. It can bring out the best in you and in some cases the worst.
There’s a lot to learn and we want to share what we’ve learned, and learn ourselves through the medium of this website!

About us
I’m a techie by trade and have been since I left education. Computers are my thing. I used to count computer games as one of my hobbies. They take up so much time that now I just play on my phone occasionally.
I like to keep myself in shape mainly working out doing HIT at home (it’s just quicker than the gym). My main hobbies nowadays are theme parks and soft play!!
Katie works in admin the aerospace industry normally, she’s currently on maternity leave for the next 7 months and is enjoying being a full-time mom before the office calls her back.
Why no pictures / blurred faces?
We both think the same way about this. It was our decision to start a parenting site, our children didn’t have any say in it. So neither of us is comfortable having pictures of them on the site and potentially all over the internet.
You won’t find them on our site or our Facebook profiles either.
That might seem ‘old fashioned’ but we think that it should be their decision and they aren’t old enough to make it yet.
Connect with me…
Here’s my Facebook profile, you can check me out. I’m a real person. Most of it is private, but that’s who I am!!